December 25, 2020

It’s Christmas and, as usual, Christmas comes with presents!

The user guide for all functionality included in the first release of RALSA was finalized! You can find it here.

Enjoy the holidays!

November 10, 2020

RALSA v.0.90.1 was released!

We are proud to announce the first release of RALSA. After all the hard work of development, the first version of the R Analyzer for Large-Scale Assessments (RALSA) came to life. RALSA targets both the experienced R users, as well as those who do not have technical skills. Thus, along with the traditional command-line R interface, a Graphical User Interface is made available.

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Welcome to the website of the R Analyzer for Large-Scale Assessments

The R Analyzer for Large-Scale Assessments (RALSA) is an R package for preparation and analysis of data from large-scale assessments and surveys which use complex sampling and assessment design. RALSA is a free of charge and open source software licensed under GPL v2.0 and is cross-platform — it works on any system which can run a full installation of R. Currently, RALSA supports a number of studies with different design and a number of analysis types (see below). Both of these will increase in future.
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